His career has spanned over 50 years. Amsterdam to Auckland, Mexico City to Tokyo...Walter has performed around the world, appeared on many leading television shows and has played and lectured to great critical acclaim at scores of magic conventions.


A celebrity among magicians, Walter Blaney is known throughout the world for his original magic inventions. He has amazed many top professional magicians for years. His illusions have been used by magic's finest, David Copperfield, Lance Burton and Siegfried & Roy.  

 "Walter, your talents as both a performer and an incredible inventor of illusions have made a real impact in the world of magic."

 David Copperfield


Awarded Magic's Top Honors


 Elected to the Society of American Magician's " MAGICIANS HALL OF FAME "


 Appointed " INTERNATIONAL MAGICAL AMBASSADOR " by the International Brotherhood of Magicians


 England's Magic Circle's highest honor..." MEMBER OF THE INNER MAGIC CIRCLE WITH GOLD STAR "


 Siegfried & Roy's coveted SILVER LION AWARD for excellence in the performance of magic.


In 1998 Walter helped create the "World Alliance of Magicians"  and served as its first international president. WAM was an umbrella federation of all the magic societies of the world to promote the magical arts and protect its secrets for enduring public entertainment.